Peer Review Policy journals utilize a double-blind peer review process. When content is accepted for peer review, the name, details, and affiliations of the author are not revealed to the reviewers; likewise, the identities of the reviewers are not revealed to the authors. Reviewers evaluate the accuracy, originality, and completion of each manuscript submitted, and provide honest feedback to other Editorial Board members.

Some Points to Note
  • Reviewers should be able to evaluate the entirety of a paper.
  • Reviewers do not edit manuscript content, but provide comments and suggestions for improvement.
  • Reviewers are required to maintain anonymity and confidentiality during the peer review process; reviewers may not contact the author without permission from the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
  • Any questions regarding the ethics or conduct of an author or reviewer should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
  • Any questions about the ethical conduct of authors or reviewers should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal

The decisions of the Reviewer should never be influenced by external factors, such as the origin, nationality, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or political views of the author. The validity and the quality of the content presented are the only grounds for evaluation.