About Us
Journal of American Academy Primary Care Research (JAAPCR) is an official journal of the American Academy Primary Care Research (AAPCR). JAAPCR seeks to advance Science and Medicine research by publishing and widely disseminating high-quality research representative of the breadth of Molecular Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Life Sciences, Pharmacology and Medicine; ensuring transparent, rapid, and fair peer review; and providing outlets for open discussion and debate for new ideas, and original research that will shape a new science world.
Aims and Scope
JAAPCR is a transdisciplinary journal and welcomes contributions from the broad field including (but not limited to) molecular, cellular, developmental, systems, behavioral, cognitive, computational, integrative, translational, neuroscience and medicine. JAAPCR will publish any original research completed or in progress that has potential to improve human life regardless of origin to pave the way for new scientists and new ideas to emerge for scientific betterment. JAAPCR editorial leadership is composed of active scientists. We are committed to publishing novel and rigorous studies that significantly advance our knowledge and that appeal collectively to the values and interests of the entire science community.
To warrant publication in JAAPCR a manuscript or technical paper must demonstrate that its findings are novel, new and innovative and not a mere representation of current scientific dogma. If there are questions about scope, a presubmission inquiry can be made through JAAPCR submision of inquiry. Papers that are outside of the journal's scope may be editorially rejected without peer review. Editorial rejection is intended to benefit authors by delivering rapid decisions for manuscripts that are not likely to succeed in peer review and to relieve the burden on volunteer reviewers.
JAAPCR journals will publish papers that describe a novel method that has not yet been used to make neurobiological insights, new observations that do not yet have mechanistic underpinnings, non-replications and replications of published studies, and brief reports are all within the scope of life and pure sciences. Thus, strong manuscripts of this type are likely to be published
JAAPCR is a journal dedicated to showcasing new ideas, new concepts and new experiments. Works from young scientists will be highly considered.
We offer free registration and submission of manuscripts online for Authors.
Volunteer Editors are invited to register and apply with their resume for consideration.